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Decriminalized misdemeanors from the Law on Public Procurement and statute of limitations in misdemeanor proceedings

Belgrade, Criminal Court
Judicial Academy

The Judicial Academy in cooperation with the Project for the Improvement of Public Procurement of the American Agency for International Development, USAID (the Project), organized training for the participants of the Judicial Academy and judicial assistants in the Misdemeanor Court in Belgrade in connection with the application of the Law on Public Procurement with an emphasis on misdemeanors that have been decriminalized. legal changes and the issue of statute of limitations for misdemeanor proceedings.

The training was organized on November 28 and 29, 2023 in the premises of the Misdemeanor Court in Belgrade (14 Ustanička St., Belgrade).

The lecturers at the training were: Mirjana Martić, Ph.D., the leader of the component of the USAID Project for the Improvement of Public Procurement and Marija Vuković Stanković, an expert of the USAID Project for the Improvement of Public Procurement and a retired judge of the Misdemeanor Court of Appeals.

The goal of the training was the presentation of the Guidelines for decision-making in cases of obsolete and decriminalized offenses from the Law on Public Procurement - with models of court decisions and training of the participants of the Judicial Academy and judicial assistants in the Misdemeanor Court in Belgrade for their application in practice.

The participants were familiarized with the content of the Guidelines and how to use them by solving hypothetical cases with expert supervision and consultation. Within the framework of the above, the transfer of jurisdiction for conducting misdemeanor proceedings and the importance of the effectiveness of sanctioning for misdemeanors in the field of public procurement for the European integration process of Serbia were discussed. Particular attention was paid to the discussion on the way of prescribing penal provisions in the regulations, the application of a milder law, the compatibility of new penal provisions with old, decriminalized misdemeanors and the obsolescence of misdemeanor procedures.

Decriminalized misdemeanors from the Law on Public Procurement and statute of limitations in misdemeanor proceedings - Source: Judicial Academy

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