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The entrance exam for candidates who applied for the positions of PROSECUTORS INTERNSHIPS is in progress.

Belgrade, Terazije 41
Judicial Academy

With this exam, the knowledge testing of candidates who applied for filling positions for PROSECUTORS INTERNSHIPS began. 


On the basis of Article 8 of the "Regulations on the procedure for the admission of judicial trainees", as well as the "Regulations on the procedure for the admission of prosecutorial trainees" (Official Gazette no. 92/2017), adopted on October 12, 2017, the entrance exams are conducted by the Judicial Academy, and in accordance with The program of the entrance exam for judge and prosecutor trainees adopted by the Administrative Board of the Judicial Academy on November 8, 2017. years


A total of 325 applications were submitted for the competition for the admission of a total of 32 candidates in 16 basic and higher public prosecutor's offices throughout the Republic of Serbia, that is, a total of 147 candidates submitted applications, namely:

Place of examination Belgrade - 61 candidates
Place of examination Kragujevac – 40 candidates
Place of examination Nis - 33 candidates
Place of examination Novi Sad - 13 candidates

Nenad Vujić, director of the Academy in Belgrade, briefly informed the candidates about the procedure and structure of taking the entire entrance exam, the method of evaluation and final ranking of the candidates, reminding that the candidates, after submitting the documents, but also during the entire cycle from applying to taking the exam, several electronic messages were sent, with information and details related to the examinations, including attachments such as the Rulebook on the content and taking of the entrance exam, as well as Info for taking the entrance exam, which, among other things, contains some provisions on the expected behavior of candidates in the exam.


Candidates take the exam in front of cameras and with live video transmission via the official YouTube channel of the Judicial Academy. The exam started at 11:00 am.


Video from taking the exam in Belgrade - Source: Judicial Academy


Video from the exam in Kragujevac - Source: Judicial Academy


Video from the examination in Niš - Source: Judicial Academy


Video from the exam in Novi Sad - Source: Judicial Academy



Lists with candidates' codes, after taking the exam, will be displayed EXCLUSIVELY on the website of the Judicial Academy within three days from the day of the exam, on the page of the website dedicated to the PROSECUTORS INTERNSHIPS exam.

The candidate can submit an objection to the Judicial Academy on the determined number of points, within eight days from the date of publication of the preliminary list.

Every candidate has the right to inspect his test.

Insight into the test can be obtained in two ways - by personally coming to the Judicial Academy, Terazije no. 41, Belgrade (within the time limit defined by the regulations, every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.), or by sending a scanned test to the candidate, at the candidate's request.

The candidate can request that the scanned test be delivered to him by electronic mail. The candidate is obliged to scan and send us a confirmation of the test submission in the request for the submission of the test. The request is sent to the e-mail address

The objection is submitted in writing, on the prescribed form.

You can download the complaint formHERE

The candidate is obliged to fill in, sign, scan and send the form to the address

In the title, he must state: "Application number/code - Objection to the test for prosecutor trainees"
ABOUT the complaint is decided by the director of WELL, within three days from the expiry of the deadline for submitting the complaint. The decision of the director of the Judicial Academy is final.

The examination committee submits, within three days from the day when the deadline for deciding on objections has expired, to the Ministry and the Commissions for the admission of a certain public prosecutor's office/court, data on the success achieved in the entrance exam for candidates who applied for that public prosecutor's office or that court .

The final ranking lists of the competition are formed by the courts or prosecutor's offices, by adding the number of points obtained in the exam, with the corresponding number of points of the candidates who have obtained their undergraduate studies.

О нама


Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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