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Femicides that may prevent femylicide victims that can be protected

Judicial Academy

Judicial Academy andAutonomous Women's Center, with the support of the EU for you project, organized two seminars in Kragujevac on "Femicides, which can be prevented by children of victims of femicids".

The seminars are organized within joint efforts to improve skills in the treatment of institutions, which meets partnership violence and domestic violence in their work, especially those who participate in the work of coordination and cooperation groups.

The seminar was intended for judges of senior and basic courts, prosecutors of higher and basic public prosecutors, members of the Ministry of Interior and employees from the Centers for Social Work with the territory of the city of Kragujevac.

The topics covered in these seminars were:
•    Coordinated by the actions of higher and basic public prosecutors' offices in cases of Article 4 of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence 
•    Challenges and opportunities in the treatment of coordination groups and cooperation in cases of serious forms of criminal offenses of gender-based violence - group work
•    Position of children whose mothers are victims of femicides in criminal proceedings

These topics spoke:
•    Gorjana Mirčić Čaluković, Public Prosecutor of the Third Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade
•    Vanja Macanovic, lawyer at the Autonomous Women's Center
•    Ivana Milovanović, Judge of the High Court in Nis
•    Milica Ljubičić, Public Prosecutor of the Second Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade


Femicides that can also prevent children victims of femicids - Source: Judicial Academy

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