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June 28, 2019. Supreme Court of Cassation - round table on the topic: "The position of bankruptcy managers and disputable issues in practice"

Judicial Academy

28 June 2019 – the round table on the topic: “Position of bankruptcy estate managers and disputable issues in practice“ - Source: Judicial Academy

The participants within the round table were the judges of the bankruptcy council of the Commercial Appellate Court, the bankruptcy judges of the Commercial Court in Belgrade, the representatives of the Agency for Licencing of Bankruptcy Administrators of the Ministry of Justice of the RoS , the Ministry of Economy of the RoS and of the Judicial Academy.


The participants were pointed to all the disputable issues of the Law on Bankruptcy, such as the relationship between a bankruptcy estate manager and a bankruptcy judge, the amount of the advance payment as well as the problems encountered by bankruptcy judges, after which the discussion ensued.


The keynote speakers were:

  • Jasminka Obućina, the President of the Commercial Appellate Court, 
  • Tatjana Đurica , Judge of the Commercial Appellate Court of the RoS,
  • Jovan Jovanović, the President of the Commercial Court, Belgrade, and
  • Dragan Ugrčić, the Assistant Minister of Economy for Privatization, Bankruptcy and Industrial Development

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