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Press Release - Test for Election of Members of the Council of the Agency For Fight Against Corruption

Judicial Academy

The test will be held on February 1, 2021 in Belgrade

Kralja Milana Street no. 14 - National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia

Starting at 11:00 a.m.


After the test, the selection commission will submit to the Minister of Justice the ranking list of candidates according to the achieved success, and the Minister is obliged to propose to the National Assembly those who have won at least 80 points.

Nenad Vujić, Director of the Judicial Academy, guest of the morning program on TV HAPPY spoke about the Judicial Academy and the scheduled test for the election of members of the Council of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption - Source: YouTube channel of the morning program of TV HAPPY

If the Assembly decides not to elect all members of the Agency Council or if there is not a sufficient number of candidates who have achieved at least 80 points on the exam, the competition is announced again within 30 days.


  • The mandate of the member of the Council of the Agency lasts for five years – the director of the Judicial Academy, Nenad Vujić, reminded. – The role of the Academy is to test the knowledge of the applicants in order to check their expertise and professional integrity to perform the function of a member of the Agency Council. All candidates who have graduated from the Faculty of Law should have at least nine years of work experience in the profession and have not been convicted of a criminal offense to imprisonment for at least six months or for a criminal offense that makes him unworthy of public office.

For more information: Dejan Georgijev, Judicial Academy, Terazije 41, 11000 Belgrade

Tel: (+381 11) 2184 030, Faks: (+381 11) 2183 276
GSM: (+ 381) 64 869 02 99

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