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Sexual and other gender-based violences in war crime cases

Judicial Academy

Sexual and other gender-based violences in war crime cases - Source: Judicial Academy

The seminar was intended for the representatives of the War Crimes Department of the High Court, the Appellate Court and the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor, and our goal is to bring closer to the practitioners first of all the court practice, the challenges and examples of good practice in such cases before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the psychosocial aspect of the work with witnesses – the injured, victims of sexual violence.

Seksualno i drugo rodno zasnovano nasilje u predmetima ratnih zločina
Sexual and other gender-based violences in war crime cases

The keynote speakers/presenters within the seminar were: Mrs. Minka Kreho, Judge of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Jelena Krezić, Associate in the Witness Support Office of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Slavica Peković, representing the Help and Support Services for Witnesses and Injured Parties of the High Court in Belgrade, and Mr. Ognjen Đukić, Deputy Public Prosecutor of the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor.

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