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Training "Application of the Law on Local Elections"

Belgrade, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade
Judicial Academy

On Saturday, November 4, 2023, in Amphitheater VII of the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade, the Judicial Academy conducted a training entitled "Implementation of the Law on Local Elections".

The lecturers at this training were:
- Milan Čuljković, senior advisor in the service of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, who presented on the topic: "Bodies for the implementation of elections and electoral procedure";
- Judge Radojka Marinković, president of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Serbia, who presented on the topic: "Jurisprudence of the Administrative Court in electoral disputes in the conduct of local elections", and from a theoretical point of view, and
- Judge Vera Marinković, president of the Jurisprudence Department "Jurisprudence of the Administrative Court in electoral disputes in the implementation of local elections" from the point of view of the jurisprudence of this court, stating specific decisions of acts with explanations thereof.

Judges of all High Courts were present and at the end of the seminar they received a copy of the Manual for drafting court decisions in the Administrative Court, drafting court decisions in administrative disputes, election disputes and trials within a reasonable time, prepared in cooperation with the Administrative Court, the Judicial Academy and the OSCE Mission and in the Republic of Serbia.

Training "Application of the Law on Local Elections"

О нама


Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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