Cooperation of the Republic of Serbia with the EU

The European Union is a regional organization of European states through which members achieve common goals such as balanced economic and social development, a high employment rate, and protection of the rights and interests of citizens.
The European Union, in its current form, was founded in Maastricht in 1992 by the Treaty on European Union. E U represents a unique institutional framework made up of the so-called three pillars of the EU. The first pillar consists of three international organizations (the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community); the second pillar represents the EU's common foreign and security policy, while the third pillar consists of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
The main goals of E U are:
- supporting economic and social development;
- confirming one's own identity on the international stage by conducting a common foreign and security policy (and gradually creating a common defense policy, which can lead to common defense);
- protection of rights and interests of citizens of member states by introducing EU citizenship;
- preservation and further development of the Union as an area of freedom, security and justice, where the free movement of persons is ensured with the parallel adoption of appropriate measures in the field of external border control, asylum, immigration and the fight against organized crime and the preservation of the assets of the Community.
- EU has 27 member states.
The basic institutions of E U are:
- European Council,
- EU Council,
- The European Commission,
- European Parliament,
- European Court of Justice,
- European Financial Court,
- Economic and Social Council,
- Committee of European Regions,
- European Investment Bank,
- European Investment Fund,
- European Central Bank,
- Ombudsman, etc.
Chapter 23
On April 22, 2013, the European Commission recommended to the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the member countries of the E U the opening of negotiations with the Republic of Serbia.
On June 25, 2013, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of EU member states unanimously recommended to the European Council that negotiations with Serbia begin by January 2014 at the latest, and that the European Commission prepare a negotiation framework and begin an analytical review of the compliance of Serbian legislation with EU legislation.
On June 28, 2013, the European Council gave the "green light" to open accession negotiations with Serbia, and to hold the first Intergovernmental Conference in January 2014 at the latest.
The process of analytical review of the legislation (screening) began on September 25, 2013, when a screening was held in Brussels for Chapter 23: "Judiciary and fundamental rights".
Negotiations on the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union were formally opened by the Intergovernmental Conference on January 21, 2014 in Brussels.
On July 18, 2016, the Third Intergovernmental Conference between the Republic of Serbia and the European Union was held in Brussels, where a decision was made to open two chapters: Chapter 23 - Justice and fundamental rights and Chapter 24 - Justice, freedom and security.
Commission for the Implementation of the National Strategy for Judicial Reform
The Ministry of Justice prepared the text of the Justice Reform Strategy for the period 2013-2018. (adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on June 1, 2013), as well as the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy (adopted by the Conclusion of the Government of Serbia on July 31, 2013), with the aim of improving the quality of justice, efficiency and effectiveness of the judiciary, while strengthening and protecting independence , accompanied by effective mechanisms of accountability in order to bring justice closer to citizens and restore confidence in the judicial system.
With the decision made on August 25, 2013, the Government of Serbia established the Commission for the Implementation of the National Strategy for Judicial Reform for the period 2013-2018. year, in order to realize the planned activities National Strategy and Action Plan for its implementation.
Committee members:
Director of the Judicial Academy Nenad Vujić, at the session of the Commission for the Implementation of the National Strategy of Judicial Reform for the period 2013-2018 on December 29, 2017. year, he was unanimously elected as the chairman of that Commission for 2018.
A member was elected as the deputy chairman of the High Council of the Judiciary judge Branislav Goravica.