National network of judges and prosecutors for the application of the standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the Republic of Serbia

The Judicial Academy is part of the project “ European Union Support for Strengthening the Capacity of the Judicial Academy“, 21.11.2017. year, announced a public call for judges and prosecutors to nominate members of the National Network.
The National Network was established with thirty-one judges and prosecutors, with the aim of implementing European standards of judicial protection of human rights in the Republic of Serbia.
The establishment of this type of Network is important for the dissemination of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ( ECHR) which was established with the aim of protecting the rights and freedoms guaranteed Convention on Human Rights.
The National Network contributes to strengthening the protection of human rights, facilitates the exchange of information on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, contributes to a common understanding of the importance of applying the highest human rights standards, makes it accessible to judges and prosecutors and enables judicial function holders to actively participate in the training programs of the Judicial Academy, which makes a key contribution to promoting the role and importance of the National Network.

Goals of establishing the National Network:
- implementation of EU standards of judicial protection of human rights in the Republic of Serbia;
- providing easier access to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg;
- improving and harmonizing case law in the courts of the Republic of Serbia with European standards;
- providing easier exchange of information between judges and prosecutors on judicial the practice of the Strasbourg Court;
- strengthening the protection of human rights in the Republic of Serbia;
- strengthening and consolidating international cooperation and communication between judges and prosecutors
Activities of the National Network for the Implementation of European Standards of Judicial Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Serbia:
- Members of the National Network
The selection of members of the National Network, which was established on 24 January 2018,
was decided by a commission composed of representatives of: the High Judicial Council, the State Prosecutorial Council and Program Council of the Judicial Academy:- Branislava Goravica, judge of the Commercial Appeal Court and member of the High Judicial Council
- Tatjana Lagumdžija, deputy of the High Public Prosecutor in Novi Sad and member of the High Prosecutor's Office and
- Dragan Jočić, president of the Court of Appeal in Niš, judge Supreme Court of Cassation and member Program Council of the Judicial Academy
Appointed members of the National Network for the Implementation of European Standards of Judicial Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Serbia:
- Aleksandra Leković, judge, Higher Court in Belgrade, civil law
- Ana Lukić Vidojković, judge, Court of Appeal in Niš, civil law
- Ana Stamenić, judge, Higher Court in Novi Sad, criminal law
- Biljana Lepotić, judge, Basic Court in Novi Sad, civil law
- Biljana Nikolić, judge, Court of Appeal in Kragujevac, civil law
- Vesna Filipović, judge, Court of Appeal in Belgrade, civil law
- Gordana Veljović, judge, Court of Appeal in Kragujevac, civil law
- Danijela Sekulić, judge, Commercial Court of Appeal, commercial law *COORDINATOR
- Dragana Marčetić, judge, High Court in Belgrade, civil law
- Dušan Dakić, judge, Basic Court in Novi Sad, civil law
- Ivana Marković Radojević, judge, Court of Appeal in Belgrade, civil law, *COORDINATOR
- Ivana Milovanović, judge, Basic Court in Niš, criminal law
- Ivana Pavlović, retired judge, commercial law
- Ivana Ramić, judge, Higher Court in Belgrade, criminal law
- Jelena Stevanović, judge, Appeal Court in Belgrade, civil law
- Milica Zlatković, Judge, Appellate Court in Niš, Civil Law
- Mr Milka Gajinov, Judge, Basic Court in Novi Sad, Civil Law
- Nebojša Đuričić, Judge, High Court in Belgrade, Civil Law
- Tanja Pavlović Nedeljković, Judge, Court of Appeal in Kragujevac, civil law *DEPUTY COORDINATOR
- Snežana Marjanović, Judge, High Court in Belgrade, civil law
- Sonja Simonović Stojanović, Judge, Court of Appeal in Niš, civil law
- Biljana Silađi, Deputy Public Prosecutor prosecutor, Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad, criminal law
- Zorica Grujin, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Vršac, criminal law
- Jasmina Krštenić, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Basic Public Prosecutor's Office Prosecutor's Office in Lazarevac, criminal law *COORDINATOR
- Mr. Jasmina Stanković, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Appellate Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, referred to RJT - criminal law
- Leposava Vujanović Porubović, Deputy Public Prosecutor, Higher Public Prosecutor's Office Belgrade Prosecutor's Office, Criminal Law
- Olivera Pejak Prokeš, Judge, Court of Appeal in Novi Sad, Civil Law *COORDINATOR
- Sanja Kostić, Judge, Court of Appeal in Niš, Civil Law
- Snežana Marić, Retired Judge, Commercial Law
- National Network Meetings
First Meeting of the National Network - 24 - January 25, 2018
Second meeting of the National Network - May 4, 2018
Third meeting of the National Network - June 8, 2018. year
Fourth meeting of the National Network - May 24, 2019
Fifth meeting of the National Network - September 26, 2019
Sixth meeting of the National Network - November 26, 2019
- Seminars
First seminar of the National Network - October 25th and 26th, 2018
Second National Network Seminar - November 26th and 27th, 2018
Third National Network Seminar - October 7th and 8th, 2021
Fourth Seminar of the National Network - Regional ToT of the Council of Europe for the Western Balkans - 12th and 13th June 2023.
- Study visits
Study visit 1
In March 2018, at the initiative of the Judicial Academy, a study visit to Strasbourg was organized for members of the National Network with the support of the British Council.
Study visit 2
In April 2019, at the initiative of the Judicial Academy, a second study visit to Strasbourg was organized for members of the National Network with the support of the Council of Europe.
- Report
- Programme of work
- List of participants
- Link to the European Court of Human Rights website - Case M. N. and Others v. Belgium (Application No. 3599/18) before the Grand Chamber of the European Court in Strasbourg (Video)
Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights - 24.04.2019. - Support to the National Network
The activities of the National Network of Judges and Prosecutors for the implementation of the standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the Republic of Serbia have been implemented with the support of international organizations:
British Council is an international organization for cultural relations from the United Kingdom. It opens international opportunities for people from the United Kingdom, but also from other countries, and builds trust between them around the world. By building cultural and other influences, they are considered the world's leading organization for cultural relations. Cultural relations are a component of international relations that focus on connecting people, but also on establishing connections between political representatives and citizens, as well as between political representatives of different countries.
IPA 2012 - the project European Union Support to the Judicial Academy, is designed to meet the needs for technical expertise in order to respond to the challenges arising from the obligation to fully implement the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as from the EU accession negotiation process. The aim of the project is to support and improve educational activities and new structures within the Judicial Academy and thus contribute to the establishment of a coherent judicial system in the Republic of Serbia. The project results are diverse:
- facilitated access to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights with the aim of improving and harmonizing case law in the courts of the Republic of Serbia and harmonizing it with EU standards
- improved educational activities of the Judicial Academy in aimed at strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of judicial training
- improved functioning of new structures within the new competences of the Judicial Academy
The Council of Europe is a regional international organization of European countries, headquartered in Strasbourg. The Republic of Serbia has been a member of the Council of Europe since 2003, with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms being ratified on 4 March 2004, since when it has been part of the internal legal order of the Republic of Serbia. The European Court of Human Rights has developed its practice through its interpretation of the provisions of the Convention, and the law of the Convention cannot be applied without knowledge of the case law of that Court. The main objectives of the Council of Europe are the protection of human rights, the promotion of democracy and the rule of law. Numerous reform processes in our country are taking place in cooperation and with the assistance of the CoE, primarily in the domain of the legal and institutional organization of the state, the implementation of reforms in the judiciary and other areas in which the CoE is active, based on its mandate. Given the basic purpose of the Council of Europe – the promotion of fundamental human rights and freedoms and the promotion of democracy, it is fully justified that the work of the National Network for the Application of the Standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the Republic of Serbia will be most supported by this organization in the coming period.
- Case law database of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
Case law database judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Serbian language e-Case
е Case - database of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in Serbian language, which in a concise manner brings users closer to the essence of access to the European Court of Human Rights and enables simple analysis of judgments and case law of the ECHR;
Cross-reference - database of cross-references between articles of the ECHR and national legislation, a system for cross-referencing domestic legislation with the corresponding article of the European Convention on Human Rights, which allows the search to start from the relevant articles of national legislation.
The e-Case and Cross-reference applications should help and bring the convention standards closer to judges during trials and enable judicial function holders to navigate the available sources of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg as easily as possible.
As part of the EU project, a Practical Guide for the Implementation of the European Convention in the Republic of Serbia was also developed, the purpose of which is to unite in one place the available sources of the case law of the ECHR, on the basis of which judicial authorities will be able to quickly and easily access the information they need, in order to provide effective protection of human rights when applying domestic legislation.
The Judicial Academy will periodically update the "Practical guide for the implementation of the European Convention" in order to provide timely information to users of its services.
- Presentation of the National Network in the courts and prosecutor's offices of the Republic of Serbia
- Report from the meeting at the Palace of Justice in Zrenjanin - December 13, 2019
- Programme rada
Video statement by the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Tobias Flessenkemper on the occasion of the National Network meeting held at the Palace of Justice in Zrenjanin
- Other activities of the National Network
Online - HELP course of the Council of Europe on the topic: Combating trafficking in human beings and protecting victims of trafficking
Online course of the Council of Europe - Combating trafficking in human beings trafficking in human beings and protection of victims of trafficking in human beings
Council of Europe Online HELP Course on the topics of "Freedom of Expression" and "Protection and Safety of Journalists"
Regional presentation of the HELP online course of the Council of Europe - 24 February 2022
- Report on the regional presentation of the HELP online course of the Council of Europe
- Programme
- List of participants
Working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts” – Belgrade 24.03.2022.
- Report from the working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts” rights and practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts’’
- Programme
- List of participants
Working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts acts’’ – Novi Sad 25.03.2022.
- Report from the working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts’’
- Programme
- List of participants
Working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts” – Kragujevac 07.04.2022.
- Report from the working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts’’
- Program of work
- List of participants
Working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts’’ – Niš 08.04.2022.
- Report from the working meeting on the topic “Proper interpretation, reference and citation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in prosecutorial acts’’
- Work program
- List of participants
- Contact
For additional information regarding the work of the National Network of Judges and Prosecutors for the Implementation of standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the Republic of Serbia, you can contact us by email at: or by phone: +381 64 869 0296
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