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The competition for the selection of candidates for admission to the initial training of the XIII generation of participants of the Judicial Academy has been announced

Belgrade, Terazije 41
Judicial Academy

Based on Article 27 of the Law on the Judicial Academy ("Official Gazette of the RS" no. 104/2009, 32/2014 - Decision of the US RS and 106/2015), the Judicial Academy in Belgrade announces:

Competition for the selection of candidates for admission to initial training

The competition was published in Sl. Gazette No. 37/2023, dated May 5, 2023

Candidates submit applications for taking the entrance exam to the Judicial Academy within 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in Sl. to the RS Herald.

Applications are submitted every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., namely:

  • By email, with attached scanned documents in PDF format to the address (Candidates who decide to send the application and documents by e-mail will receive an electronic confirmation of receipt. In the event that the candidate has not received confirmation of admission, he is obliged to contact the number +381 11 2184 030 on working days  in the period from 09:00 to 14:00. You can see detailed instructions on applying by e-mail at instructionsIn addition to the electronic application, candidates are obliged to submit all documents to the Academy by the end of the competition period by mail or in person!
  • Personally, at the address of the Judicial Academy, Terazije 41, Belgrade
  • By registered mail, at the address "Judicial Academy, Terazije no. 41, 11103 Belgrade, PAK 107003
  • Candidate attached:

  • Filled application, printed and scanned in PDF format
  • Certified photocopy of the Faculty of Law diploma, i.e. scanned in PDF format
  • A certified photocopy of the certificate of passing the bar exam, i.e. scanned in PDF format
  • Certificate of citizenship, i.e. scanned in PDF format
  • Read and printed ID card, or read and scanned LK in PDF format


* If the candidate changed his personal name after obtaining a diploma or a certificate of passing the bar exam, he is obliged to attach a marriage certificate or a decision on changing his personal name to the application.

** If the candidate took the bar exam in the April 2023 deadline, he can apply, regardless of the fact that he probably still hasn't received the "Certificate of passing the bar exam"

The fee for taking the entrance exam is 12,000 dinars and is paid to the account of the Judicial Academy no. 840-31109845-16. No INVITES ON THE NUMBER.

ABOUT the date and place of taking the exam, the Academy will inform the candidate through the website, that is, by e-mail, to the address indicated by the candidate in the application, no later than 10 days before the start of the entrance exam.




In order to establish communication between the Judicial Academy and the candidates, a dedicated address has been from which all candidates, after applying, will be sent a special message as a confirmation of the correctness of the address specified in the candidate's application when applying.

This is the way to inform the candidates whether the application is correct, that is, if there are any shortcomings, to point them out, so that all candidates can be invited to take the entrance exam smoothly.

We ask all candidates to confirm receipt of that email exclusively from the address to which the email was sent. They need to send the confirmation email in person because the automatic confirmation (auto replay) will not be taken into account. Candidates are requested to check their e-mails daily, especially the deleted and spam folders.

Also, we ask all candidates to read the message sent to them carefully and to the end and follow the instructions!

Competition for the selection of candidates for admission to the initial training of the 3rd generation of trainees

О нама


Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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