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Improving children's rights in civil court proceedings through strengthening the capacity of professionals - Novi Sad

Novi Sad
Judicial Academy

The Judicial Academy, in cooperation withUnicef, on June 16, 2022, in the hall of the Judicial Academy in Novi Sad, organized the training "Improving the rights of the child in civil court proceedings through strengthening the capacity of professionals".

This training was attended by judges of higher and basic courts from the territory of the Novi Sad appeal who act in P2 matters.

The training included the following topics:

  • The right to a fair trial within a reasonable time, Art. 6 - citation and enforcement of ECtHR judgments
  • The right to family life / the rights of the child - participation and the best interest of the child Art. 8
  • General and special rules of procedure in family disputes - determining the best interests of the child and obtaining the opinion of the child and solving a hypothetical case
  • Drafting of judgment/reasoning-evaluation of the child's opinion and the court's decision in accordance with the best interests of the child

The lecturers at this training were:


О нама


Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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