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Introductory online regional meeting to mark the start of the HELP online course of the Council of Europe: "Procedural guarantees in criminal proceedings and victims' rights"

Judicial Academy

The Judicial Academy, in cooperation with the Council of Europe, on October 3, 2024, organized an online introductory meeting to mark the beginning of the tutored - mentoring HELP online course of the Council of Europe: "Procedural guarantees in criminal proceedings and the rights of victims", which is intended for judges and prosecutors from countries of the region, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Albania.
The course was developed as part of the project of the Council of Europe and the European Union called HELP in the EU. Its construction was completed in August 2019.

This HELP online course "Procedural guarantees in criminal proceedings and the rights of victims" provides a comprehensive overview of international and European standards and is prepared in such a way as to present the basic procedural rights of accused and suspected persons in criminal proceedings (with an emphasis on topics from the EU directive, primarily the presumption of innocence ) and the rights of victims of criminal offenses (with an emphasis on access to justice). 

Tutors-mentors of this HELP online course, for participants from the Republic of Serbia, thirty-six judges and public prosecutors from the High and Basic Courts and from the High and Basic Public Prosecutor's Offices are judges:
-    Siniša Važić, retired judge of the Court of Appeal in Belgrade
-    Ivana Ramić, judge of the High Court in Belgrade, 
who adapt the course in accordance with the domestic, institutional and legal framework.

The introduction to the regional online meeting was attended by 166 judges and public prosecutors from the countries of the region who were addressed by national tutors as well as:
-    Ana Maria Telbis - Head of the Justice and Human Rights Training Department S.E
-    Jasminka Peruničić ALLEN, coordinator of the HELP project in the Western Balkans S.E
-    Ivana Ramić - judge of the High Court in Belgrade, HELP tutor of the course for participants from Serbia

The planned duration of the course is from 03.10.2024. until 30.11.2024. year.

Participants will after completion of the course will be presented with a certificate of attendance - successfully completed course, issued jointly by the Judicial Academy and the Council of Europe.

Introductory online regional meeting to mark the start of the HELP online course of the Council of Europe: "Procedural guarantees in criminal proceedings and the rights of victims" - Source: Judicial Academy

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