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Address of the Deputy Director of the Judicial Academy at the public hearing on the first draft of the Action Plan for Chapter 23

Judicial Academy
Мајда Кршикапа приликом представљање првог Нацрта ревидираног Акционог плана за Поглавље 23

Majda Kršikapa on the occasion of the presentation of the first Draft of the revised Action Plan for Chapter 23 - Source: Judicial Academy

The Deputy Director Ms. Kršikapa presented the first Draft of the revised Action Plan for Chapter 23 to the participants at the gathering.

Majda Kršikapa pointed out:

  • Precisely starting from the first transitional criterion whereby Serbia should ensure effective, direct, and continuous monitoring of the implementation of the Action Plan in the area of the judiciary and fundamental rights through a strong and multidisciplinary mechanism, which, as required, can activate corrective measures, particularly taking care of the adequacy of human and financial resources, institutional capacities, training requirements, adherence to the established deadlines, the real dialogue with the civil society, and adequate review of their proposals, the Ministry of Justice and the Negotiating Group for Chapter 23 approached the revision of the Action Plan, for the purpose of defining further course of the most important reform priorities in the areas of: the judiciary, fight against corruption, and fundamental rights.


  • The revision was necessary in order to make an overview of the activities based on which it is possible to clearly see the future course, on the basis of realistic assessments of what has been done up to now and to the extent to which it is objectively possible to be done in the forthcoming period. During the revision, our objective was to have the intervention reflecting the recommendations from the Screening Report in the right way, now supplemented with the transitional criteria, all the time taking into consideration the evaluations of completion of activities, through the contributions submitted by the responsible subjects specified in the Action Plan for Chapter 23, as well as the identified difficulties in the implementation and monitoring of the actual implementation of activities.


  • We can classify all the activities into a few key groups: 1) Normative regulation and harmonization, 2) Strengthening of the institutional and administrative capacities of the institutions involved in the process, 3) Enhancement of skills and competences through the provision of adequate training programmes. 


  • The process of drafting of the National Judicial Reform Strategy for 2019-2024 and the process of the revision of the AP 23 are taking place in parallel, which is important in order to mutually harmonize their contents. The Action Plan for Chapter 23 should be harmonized with the measures from the national strategic documents and vice versa. Those are the documents that are mutually intertwined, which should be looked upon as a whole and implemented in such a way.

О нама


Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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