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Evidence gathering in crime scene investigations and exclusion of micro-traces on the occasion of forensic processing of the crime scene

Judicial Academy

Evidence gathering in crime scene investigations and exclusion of micro-traces on the occasion of forensic processing of the crime scene - Source: Judicial Academy

The participants within the workshop were public prosecutors and their deputies from the High Public Prosecutor’s Offices in Kraljevo, Kragujevac, Jagodina, and Požarevac, and the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Offices in Kruševac, Petrovac na Mlavi, Veliko Gradište, and Aranđelovac. The workshop was also organized for the forensic technicians of the local police administrations from Smederevo, Bor, Zaječar, Jagodina, and Ćuprija.

The lecturers were:
• Mrs. Leposava Vujanović Porubović, Deputy High Public Prosecutor in Belgrade
• Dr Nataša Radosavljević-Stevanović, the Head of the Department for Physical, Chemical and Toxicological Expert Evaluations of the National Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Interior (the MoI)
• Mrs. Nataša Momčilović, Forensic Expert Witness for Physical and Chemical Expert Evaluations of the National Forensic Centre of the MoI
• Mr. Milan Petrović, Forensic Expert for Expert Evaluation of Accidents of the National Forensic Centre of the MoI
• Mr. Nenad Aranitović, the Head of the Section for Operational Forensics of the National Forensic Centre of the MoI.

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