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Presentation of the manual "Costs of criminal proceedings"

Judicial Academy

The Judicial Academy, in cooperation with OSCE mission in Serbia and with the Project "Improving the capacity of the criminal justice system of Serbia to effectively deal with crime in accordance with human rights standards, phase 3", organized the presentation of a manual on the topic "Costs of criminal proceedings".

The manual was presented in Niš at the Tami Residence Hotel on November 3, 2023, in the presence of judges, public prosecutors and lawyers from the territory of the Niš Appeal.

The speakers at this presentation were also the authors of this manual, Siniša Važić, a retired judge of the Court of Appeal in Belgrade, and Svetlana Tomić Jokić, a judge of the Supreme Court of Serbia. The moderator at this presentation was Nataša Novaković, head of the program for human rights and the criminal justice system, OSCE Mission in Serbia.

The topics were:
- Deciding on the costs of criminal proceedings, observed shortcomings and possible solutions;
- Characteristic questions and dilemmas in the courts when deciding on the costs of criminal proceedings.

Presentation of the manual "Costs of criminal proceedings"

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