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Prevention of money laundering - AML/CFT recommendations and immediate results

Judicial Academy

The Judicial Academy is on October 31, 2023 in the hall of the Judicial Academy in Kragujevac, in cooperation with German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) organized a workshop on the topic: "Prevention of money laundering - AML/CFT recommendations and immediate results".


This workshop was attended by judges of misdemeanor and commercial courts, as well as prosecutors and assistant prosecutors from the territory of the Ktagujevac appeal.


The topics covered at this workshop were:

- Presentation of risk assessment - impact on FATF recommendation system, money laundering prevention system;
- Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Law on Foreign Exchange Operations;
- Results of the assessment of the system's vulnerability to money laundering and terrorist financing (analysis of economic crimes and misdemeanors, penal policy);
- Supervisory bodies in the application of regulations regularly supervise and apply preventive measures and report suspicious transactions in proportion to the risks, penal policy;
- Prevention of misuse of legal entities and legal arrangements for the purpose of ML/TF, information on beneficial ownership.

The lecturers at this workshop were:

- Jelena Pantelić, financial forensic expert, Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime
- Miljko Radisavljević, public prosecutor, Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
- Danijela Tanić Zafirović, head of the supervision sector, Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering
- Marijana Simić Vujašević, advisor, Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime

Prevention of money laundering - AML/CFT recommendations and immediate results

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