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On-site investigation as probatory action and recovering of micro traces at crime scene forensic examination

Judicial Academy


On-site investigation as probatory action and recovering of micro traces at crime scene forensic examination - Source: Judicial Academy

This workshop was attended by deputy public prosecutors of High and Basic Prosecutor’s Offices, as well as forensic technicians of all police administrations within the Niš Appellate Court jurisdiction.

This workshop is a continuation of the training programme for holders of public prosecutor’s office in the implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code.

This programme of education has been designed to cover educational needs of public prosecutors and deputy public prosecutors in the field of the Criminal Procedure Code implementation.

The objective of the training was also to render assistance in the transition from predominantly inquisitorial proceedings to the proceedings with distinctly adversarial characteristics.

Through processing and proving of certain criminal offences of a case, the programme is particularly focused on powers of public prosecutors in relation to the law enforcement, in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code, on practical examples of exercising the powers of a public prosecutor in relation to the law enforcement according to the prevailing normative solutions, with a particular emphasis on the investigative probatory action and enhancing the knowledge of public prosecutors in criminology area. This training cycle also included forensic technicians of all police administrations within the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The topic was forensic management of the crime scene in line with newly established methodology for performing certain types of expert analyses, as the final outcome of the Twinning Project Combating Organized Crime, Component 2.

The need for this type of training was defined in the Report Recommendations submitted by experts from forensic centres in Wiesbaden and Munich, upon implementation of the mentioned Project.

The first lecture was entrusted to a representative of the Prosecutor’s Office with the aim of underlining the importance of crime scene forensic management as a probatory action, while other thematic groups within the subject area were discussed during the remaining part of the workshop.

The topics discussed during this workshop included:

  • The importance of crime scene forensic management in processing of criminal offences;
  • Outstanding particles after firing from firearms and micro traces of glass;
  • Micro traces of paint/fibres;
  • Micro traces of fire/explosion;
  • A case study and a practical exercise.

On 11 June, the lecturers were: Leposava Vujanović-Porubović, Deputy Public Prosecutor in Belgrade; Dr Nataša Radosavljević – Stevanović, Head of the Department for physico-chemical and toxicological expertise of the National Forensic Centre within the Criminal Police Directorate; Nataša Momčilović and Jana Antonijević, witness experts for physico-chemical expertise at the National Forensic Centre within the Criminal Police Directorate, Ministry of the Interior, and Leonid Nikolić, a forensic expert for operational forensics at the National Forensic Centre within the Criminal Police Directorate, Ministry of the Interior.

О нама


Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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