The first online workshop for Special Anti-corruption Departments
Judicial Academy
On 29 April 2020, the Judicial Academy held the first online workshop for Special Anti-corruption Departments - Source: Judicial Academy
On 29 April 2020, the „Prevention and Fight against Corruption“ Project, in cooperation with the OPDAT (Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training of the US Department of Justice) and in partnership with the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Judicial Academy, held the first online operational workshop for the members of the Special Anti-corruption Departments in the High Public Prosecutor’s Offices and the police. Over 35 participants attended the two-hour session during which best practices and current challenges with the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus were presented.
The workshop is the result of the project efforts to resolve the issues of the rule of law during the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure continuity in the provision of support to the Special Departments.
This is the first online workshop intended for the Special Departments, but also the first e-learning training course provided using the platform of the Judicial Academy where the workshop can be looked at.
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