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Serbian Judicial Academy is the European champion in the application of EU law!

Judicial Academy

Serbian Judicial Academy is the European champion in the application of EU law! - Source: Judicial Academy

In the grand final, in which eight teams participated, Serbia was the only one to have two teams, as both teams of the Judicial Academy won in the two semi-final groups.

The second team, consisting of Aleksandra Lozić, Mina Bulić and Milica Jovanović, also beneficiaries of the Judicial Academy in Belgrade, led by mentor Zorana Delibašić, Judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation and member of the High Judicial Council, they were commended by the jury for the demonstrated knowledge, with the jury emphasizing that there is little difference between second, third and fourth place.

Serbian teams, although competing for the third time in this prestigious international competition, this year competed with colleagues from Germany, France, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria and Chech Republic and left more than a good impression.

Serbian Judicial Academy is the European champion in the application of EU law!
Serbian Judicial Academy is the European champion in the application of EU law!

According to the members of the jury, only the first place was not in question, while the nuances decided in the placement for the second, third and fourth place.

The host for this year's competition was last year's winner Portugal, and next year, this prestigious competition will be moved to Belgrade and will be hosted by the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia.

This competition was held from December 5 to 10, 2021 in Lisbon.

The topic of this competition was knowledge and application of the Law of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and the awards were symbolically given in the Constitutional Court of Portugal on the International Human Rights Day- December 10.

Judicial Academy, headed by Director Nenad Vujić, once again congratulates Gala Bogosavljević, Luka Anđelković and Jelena Mihajlović and mentor Gordana Pavlović, as well as Aleksandra Lozić, Mina Bulić and Milica Jovanović, as well as mentor Zorana Delibašić.

As the Director of the Academy points out ''this is the result of the work of all the teams from previous years and proof of the quality of the initial training program and the beneficiaries of the Judicial Academy.''

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