Course on traffic accident investigation
On December 10 and 11, the Judicial Academy organized a Course on Traffic Accident Investigation at the High Court in Prokuplje.
The two-day training was intended for judges and public prosecutors who act in cases of traffic accidents, as well as members of the traffic police.
Taking into account the new legal and sub-legal regulations in the field of road traffic safety, and especially the new competences in the performance of traffic accident investigations, it is necessary to carry out professional training of public prosecutors, judges and other experts who participate in the performance of traffic accident investigations.
The training covered the following topics:
- The concept of investigation and methods of fixing the accident site;
- Elements of investigative documentation;
- Practical problems in conducting investigations from the perspective of experts in the traffic profession;
- Elements of traffic trasology;
- Examples from practice: problems and omissions observed during the investigation of traffic accidents.
The lecturers at the training were:
- Dr. Dragan Obradović, permanent lecturer at the Judicial Academy, retired judge, High Court in Valjevo;
- Prof. Dr. Krsto Lipovac, B.Sc. Eng. of Traffic, Traffic Faculty, Belgrade;
- Prof. Dr. Milan Vujanić, B.Sc. Eng. of traffic, Faculty of Traffic, Belgrade;
- Prof. Dr. Miladin Nešić, B.Sc. Eng. of Traffic, Criminal Police University, Belgrade.