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Direct application of the UN standards in the area of the protection of human rights

Judicial Academy

Direct application of the UN standards in the area of the protection of human rights - Source: Judicial Academy

The target group included the judges of the basic, high and appellate courts from Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad and Kragujevac. The workshop was opened by Mr. Nenad Vujić, the Director of the Judicial Academy, Mrs. Ivana Krstić, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University in Belgrade, and by Mrs. Aleksandra Petrović, Associate of the Human Rights Team, the UN in Serbia.

Thereafter the participants were divided into two groups, whereby the first group attended the lectures in the area of the prohibition of discrimination, delivered by Mrs. Ivana Krstić and Mrs. Aleksandra Petrović, and thereafter in the area of the rights of the persons with disabilities, which topic was presented by Mrs. Nevena Petrušić, Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University in Niš and by the expert in this field, Mrs. Kosana Beker.

The second group had the opportunity to attend the lectures in the area of the rights of the child, which were delivered by Mrs. Jelena Arsić, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Law of the Union University, and by Mrs. Ines Cerović, the Director of the Child Rights Centre. In the second part of the day, the participants were familiarized with the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants, which topics were covered by Mrs. Sonja Tošković, the Director of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, and by Mrs. Ivana Krstić.

In addition to the thematic concepts and presentation of the framework and regulations in the field of the protection of human rights, the workshop also included an interactive part, exchange of positions, opinions, as well as the joint review of the topical problems in practice in this area. The participants had the opportunity to better get to know each others, exchange experiences in the processing and to more fully understand the problem area, the solutions of which they will be able to apply in the processing and in everyday work.

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