Economic criminal offences
Economic criminal offences - Source: Judicial Academy
The topics that were covered by the three-day workshop included:
- Misdemeanour or tax evasion criminal offence
- The relationship between the misdemeanour and criminal courts
- The role of the tax inspection in the implementation of property-rights requests
- Committing of misdemeanour offences
- Intent as the ground for drawing a line between misdemeanours and criminal offences
- Problems in proving the case and the quality of evidence for tax evasion criminal offences
- Facts and evidence in the procedures of establishing misdemeanours.The lecturers within the workshop were: Prof. Stanko Bejatović, Ph.D., Prof. Milan Škulić, Ph.D., Mrs. Jelena Kostić, Ph.D., Research Associate of the Institute of Comparative Law, Mrs. Sena Papak, Coordinator of the Control Sector, the Control Department, Novi Sad, Mr. Ivan Marković, Deputy Basic Public Prosecutor in the Third Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade, Mr. Dejan Simić, Coordinator in the Tax Police Sector, Mr. Zlatko Škripac, a judge of the Misdemeanour Appellate Court in Novi Sad, Mr. Kamenko Kozarski, the President of the Misdemeanour Court in Novi Sad, and Mr. Zoran Bursać, a judge of the Basic Court in Belgrade.