Family law - Specialization in the field of children's law - outside legal expertise
The Judicial Academy is in cooperation with UNICEF on December 8, 2023 in Niš, held training for judges who act in family disputes on the topic "Family law - Specialization in the field of children's rights - extralegal skills".
The training was attended by judges and assistant judges from the territory of the Nis appeal, as well as the beneficiaries of the initial training of the Judicial Academy.
The training program included:
- Presentation of the program
-Understanding the peculiarities of the process, dynamics and outcomes of the development of children, pre-disabled children and adolescents
-Understanding risks, potentials, problems and disorders in children, pre-disabled children and adolescents
-Special knowledge and skills in working with children in civil matters and communication with children in court - taking statements
The lecturers at this training were: Nada Šarac, Republic Institute for Social Protection and Dr. Oliver Vidojević, retired child psychiatrist, Institute for Mental Health in Belgrade.