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Final presentation of the Judicial Manual on Femicides Processing

Judicial Academy

In Belgrade, it is 03. February 2025. The final presentation of the manual "treatment in cases of Femicides", organized by AIRE Center in cooperation with the Serbian Academy and with the support of the United Kingdom government. The event brought together judges of basic, higher and appeal courts from Belgrade, Nis, Kragujevac and Novi Sad, and was held at the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research.

This presentation was an opportunity to consider key challenges in the process of femicide processing, as well as to exchange experiences and perspectives between judges. Special attention is paid to strengthening cooperation between lawyers, which is crucial for consistent application of the manual in all courts.

Legal experts, Zlatko M. Knezević, Retirement of the Construction of the AIRE Center, Olivera Pejak Prokeš, Judge of the Court of Appeals, and Ivan Milovanović, a judge of the Nis, told various aspects of processing Femicida. They discussed gender equality in the context of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as practical challenges in the qualification of Femicides, the identification of aggravating and mitigating circumstances, and issues of rights of victims.

Presented guidelines provide clear and applicable examples of good practice, based on international standards and practices of judicial institutions in the region. Their goal is to contribute to improving the case law, ensuring that femicide cases are treated with appropriate seriousness. The consistent application of these guidelines will help judicial institutions respond better to Femicid and improve women's protection from gender-based violence.

In the event, the regional report "Judic Response to Femicid in the Western Balkans", which offers recommendations to improve femicide processing in the region. This report is the result of three-year research and analysis of case law in the Balkan countries.

The manual and regional study are available on the official website and can be downloaded for free at the link:

Final presentation of the Judicial Manual on Femicide Processing - Source: Judicial Academy

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