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The key findings of national risk of money laundering, financing terrorism and funding of proliferation 2024. And their importance for internal policies

Judicial Academy

In the project "Suppression of Economic Crime in Serbia", the Swedish International Development Council is financed with the Coordination Body for Prevention of Money Laundering and the Funding of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, a two-day workshop called "Key Finds national risk assessments from money laundering, terrorist financing and financing 2024. and their importance for internal policies ".
The aim of this workshop was to clarify the impact of internal policies, ie how the risks of the state are applied, what they represent and in which they are harmonized with them. The obligation of all participants in the system for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing is that the acting and work in line with the latest risks and in order to determine priorities in work, and in order to eliminate or at least it would be eliminated.
The instructors were:

  • Miljko Radisavljevic, Public MR. WJT, coordinator threats to PN / Ft
  • Jasmina Milanović Ganić, Public MR. JTOK, Coordinator Threats System from PN / Ft
  • Jelena Pantelić, JTOK, coordinator threats from PN / Ft
  • Marijana Simić Vujasevic, Jtok, Vulnerability Coordinator of the National System of PN / Ft
  • Danijela Tanić Zafirović, risk assessment coordinator
  • David Parody, EXPERT Council of Europe
  • Violeta Bojić, National Bank of Serbia
  • Goran Kuprešanin, Securities Commission
  • Kristina Trajović, National Bank of Serbia
  • Filip Savić, National Bank of Serbia
  • Dragana Vidaković, Security Information Agency
  • Vladimir Stevanovic, Jtok
  • Sanja Dašić, Council Office for National Security and Protection of Secret Data
Key findings of national risk assessments, financing terrorism and financing of proliferation 2024. And their importance for internal policies - Source: Judicial Academy

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