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Prevention and suppression of human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation and forced labor

Judicial Academy

UNODC in cooperation with the Judicial Academy at the "Fruške terme" hotel in Vrdnik, he organized a three-day workshop dedicated to a multisectoral approach to preventing and suppressing human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation and forced labor. The workshop was held in the period from July 4 to 9 in Vrdnik.

The goal of the workshop was to strengthen the capacity of representatives of the police, prosecution and courts in opposing human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation and forced labor, while relying on the results of activities undertaken by representatives of other state bodies, primarilyMinistries of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs (Labor Inspectorate,Center for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking) relevant international organizations and specialized civil society organizations 

The lecturers at the workshop were:

  • Tamara Mirović, public prosecutor of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office
  • Prof. Dr. Milan Žarković, Criminalistics and Police University
  • Maja Ilić, Head of the Department for Study and Analytical Affairs and Supervision, Labor Inspectorate
  • Dr. Ljiljana Stojšić, Head of the Department of Labor Inspection, Novi Sad
  • Goran Todorović, retired police colonel and former head of the Department for Suppression of Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling of the Service for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Jasmina Krunić, coordinator for public policies and development, NGO Astra
  • Aleksandra Ljubojević, Director, Center for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking
  • Slobodan Josimović, Public Prosecutor, Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Novi Sad
Prevention and suppression of human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation and forced labor

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