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Regional seminar on organized crime and terrorism

Judicial Academy

Regional seminar on organized crime and terrorism - Source: Judicial Academy
On behalf of the Prosecutor's Office for Organised Crime, the speaker who will present the latest practice in the combat against terrorism in the Republic of Serbia shall be Vladimir Stevanović, a senior adviser on prosecution at the Unit in charge of prosecuting criminal offences of terrorism, financing of terrorism and other related criminal offences at the Prosecutor's Office for Organised Crime, and a member of the Coordination Body of the Republic of Serbia for Combat against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing. A High Court judge from Podgorica, Ana Vuković will present the new challenges in the combat against organized crime and terrorism, while on the second day of the seminar a prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ćazim Hasanspahić will present practical examples in the combat against organized crime and terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

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