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Standards and practice of confiscation of property obtained by crime

Judicial Academy

Within the project "Fight against corruption and organized crime in the Western Balkans by strengthening regional cooperation in the confiscation of the proceeds of crime" which AIRE Center conducted in partnership with the RAI Secretariat and with the financial support of the Government of the United Kingdom, a seminar on the standards and practice of confiscation of property obtained by crime was held via the ZOOM internet platform.

The seminar was attended by participants of the initial training of the Judicial Academy as future judges and prosecutors from Serbia, as well as from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro with the idea of ​​presenting the legislative framework and its application in these three countries.

The lecturers at the seminar were: the judge Supreme Court of Cassation of the Republic of Serbia Radmila Dragičević Dičić, special prosecutor in Special State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro Miloš Šoškić and professor Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo Eldan Mujanovic.

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