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Visit of the members of the National Network to the Office of the Council of Europe in Belgrade

Judicial Academy

Visit of the members of the National Network to the Office of the Council of Europe in Belgrade – Source: Judicial Academy

The meeting was opened by the Head of the Delegation, Mr. Tobias Flesenkemper, and he familiarized those present in more detail with the activities, the importance and the development path of the Council of Europe. The Head of the Mission presented the general guidelines for the further work of the National Network, about which the other representatives of the Office of the Council of Europe also talked: Maja Mićić Lazović, Valentina Boz and Vedran Ian Kjeldsen.

Apart from the representatives of the Judicial Academy, the visit also included 12 members of the National Network. The Deputy Director of the Academy, Mrs. Majda Kršikapa, pointed out the role and the importance of the National Network, pointed to the so far activities and expressed the intent to establish a closer cooperation with the Council of Europe on the issue of further work and development of the Network. In the joint discussion, the results of the so far work and practice were supported, and the focus is now on the planning of future joint activities.

In the discussion, it was jointly concluded that it is necessary to work on the transparency in the work of the Network, presentation of the members of the Network and particularly on their visibility and the level of recognition among the colleagues judges and prosecutors, as well as on the familiarization with the new application of the Judicial Academy, e-case.

On 24 January 2018, within the „European Union Support to the Judicial Academy“ Project, the National Network was formed for the implementation of the European standards of judicial protection of human rights in the Republic of Serbia.

The National Network was founded, consisting of 31 judges and prosecutors, for the purpose of implementation of the European standards of judicial protection of human rights in the Republic of Serbia.

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