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XIV Harmonius Law School

Judicial Academy
The main topic of XIV School was „Legal Transplants - Borrowing Norms or Silent War for Legal Supremacy”.

XIV Harmonius Law School - Source: Judicial Academy

The participants of the international conference, the beneficiaries of the Judicial Academy and the students of the Faculty of Law of the University in Belgrade were welcomed at the formal opening by Assistant Professor Mr. Nenad Tešić, Ph.D., the President of Harmonius Association, Mr. Stefan Pürner, Ph.D., Attorney at Law, the Head of the Section for “South – East Europe I” (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) in the IRZ and by the Director of the Judicial Academy, Mr. Nenad Vujić.

 In the opening session, Mrs. Christa Jessel-Holst, Ph.D., from Max Planck Institute in Hamburg spoke about the actual topic of the conference, as well as about the journal Harmonius – Journal for Legal and Social Studies in South East Europe,  and then Mr. Stefan Pürner, Ph.D., delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the topic: „The Influence of Soil, Climate and Farmers Skills and Needs on the Possibility to Transplant both Plants and Legal Norms“.

Thereafter, at the conference, 28 papers from different fields of law were presented, and the lecturers from the faculties of law and scientific institutes from Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Rijeka, Skopje, Osijek, Zenica and Vitez took part in the work of the conference.

The presentations were followed by interesting discussions between the participants and the lecturers.

At the end of the conference, the participants were handed over the certificates by Mrs. Christa Jessel-Holst, Ph.D.

The papers presented at this international conference were published in the new issue of the journal Harmonius – Journal for Legal and Social Studies in South East Europe, which is published by Harmonius in cooperation with the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (the IRZ), which provided a major support in the organization of the conference.

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