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Presentation of the National Network of Judges and Prosecutors for the application of the standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the RoS

Judicial Academy

Presentation of the National Network of Judges and Prosecutors for the application of the standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the RoS - Source: Judicial Academy

The aim of the conference was to present the work of the National Network and to give a contribution to the common understanding of the importance of the application of the highest human rights standards in practice, and understanding of the idea of the existence of the National Network by judges and prosecutors. The participants of the conference were the representatives of the High, Basic and the Midemeanour Courts in Zrenjanin, Kikinda and Bečej, as well as of the Commercial Court in Zrenjanin.

The conference was opened by the Head of the Office of the Council of Europe in Belgrade, Mr. Tobias Flesenkemper and, thereafter the participants were addressed by the Deputy Director of the Judicial Academy, Mrs. Majda Kršikapa, the President of the Basic Court in Zrenjanin, Mr. Zlatoje Ankić, and by the President of the High Court in Zrenjanin, Mrs. Biljana Martinović.

The Judge of the Appellate Court6 in Novi Sad, Mr. Borivoje Gajić, talked about the right to access to the court and Mrs. Biljana Stepanović, the Head of the Department of the Documentation and Information Centre, familiarized the participants with the e-case application of the Judicial Academy.

In the big hall of the High Court in Zrenjanin, the conference was held on the topic of „National Network of Judges and Prosecutors for the application of the standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the RoS“ - Source: KTV Television

This was the opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge among the relevant experts and professionals in their work, as well as to define concrete conclusions for the improvement of the work of the Network, what the judges need and which approach is the best one to apply in order to have benefits in the everyday work.

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Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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