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Round table - Criminal and civil proceedings in cases against the environment

Novi Sad
Judicial Academy

In cooperation with the American Embassy in Serbia, on November 30, 2023, at the Court of Appeal in Novi Sad, the Judicial Academy successfully organized a round table.

The focus of the discussion was the sharing of experiences in criminal and civil proceedings, focusing on cases related to environmental protection. This round table was attended by judges and prosecutors responsible for these cases, environmental inspectors and lawyers.

The round table was held as a mini-panel discussion, and aimed to exchange examples of good practice. In addition to the presence of domestic experts in this field, the support and cooperation with the US federal prosecutor Jim Osterlij contributed to the additional value, considering his rich experience in the formation and management of multi-sector and task forces.

Translation was provided, and the participants of the round table had the opportunity to learn about examples of good practice and create a platform for future cooperation and improvement of judicial aspects of environmental protection.

Round table - Criminal and civil proceedings in cases against the environment - Source: Judicial Academy

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