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Specialized training of judges under the Law on Establishing Facts on the Status of Newborns Suspected to Have Disappeared in Maternity Wards in the RoS - Novi Sad, June 18

Novi Sad
Judicial Academy

Specialized training of judges under the Law on Establishing Facts on the Status of Newborns Suspected to Have Disappeared in Maternity Wards in the RoS - Novi Sad, June 18 - Source: Judicial Academy

The training was attended by the judges of the High and the Appellate Courts from the territory of the Novi Sad appellate jurisdiction.

The topics that were covered:
• The Law on Establishing Facts on the Status of Newborns Suspected to Have Disappeared in Maternity Wards in the Republic of Serbia.
• The objective, construing of the provisions, the contents, the principles of the proceedings, institution of the proceedings, the motion for institution of the proceedings.
• The course of the proceedings, verification of facts, action upon the motion, preparatory actions of the court, reaching of the decision and the decision of the court, the contents of the rationale of the decision, explanation and assessment of evidence, the second instance proceedings, extraordinary legal remedies, legal effect of the valid decision.

The lecturers:
- Mrs. Ljubica Milutinović – retired Judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation (the SCC), permanent lecturer of the Judicial Academy,
- Mrs. Snežana Andrejević – retired Judge of the SCC,
The introductory remarks were provided by the Director of the Judicial Academy, Mr. Nenad Vujić.

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Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


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