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Strategic guidelines for enhancing the use of mediation in the Republic of Serbia

Judicial Academy

Strategic guidelines for enhancing the use of mediation in the Republic of Serbia - Source: Judicial Academy
The training was attended by judges of the basic courts within the jurisdiction of the Kragujevac Appellate Court.
The training objective and the topics discussed were:
  • Reasons for enacting a strategic framework for the promotion of mediation to a desired status;
  • The objective of the national strategic framework for promotion of the use of mediation;
  • Organization of the strategic framework (measures for achieving the general and specific objectives, indicators and impact analysis of such measures on the budget);
  • The reform institutional framework and the implementation plan.

The lecturers on this training were Simonida Miloradović, deputy president of the Appellate Court in Kragujevac, Jelena Deretić, assistant minister at the Sector for the Judiciary of the Ministry of Justice, Dimitrije Šurjanović, project leader of the EU for Serbia Project, Leonardo D’Urso, an expert on the Project EU for Serbia – Support to the Supreme Court of Cassation and Blažo Nedić, an expert on the Project EU for Serbia – Support to the Supreme Court of Cassation.

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