Strengthening the capacity of children's rights in civil court proceedings
In cooperation with UNICEF, the Judicial Academy organized advanced training for judges who act in P2 matter, on the topic "Strengthening the capacity of experts for children's rights in civil lawsuits." The training was held in the hall of the Court of Appeals in Novi Sad and is intended for judges from the territory of the Novi Sad appeal.
The topics they are processed are:
• The rights of a child in civil lawsuits and disputes from family relations - with UN standards
• The principle of the best interests of the child and elements for assessment and the right of a child for free expressing opinions. General comments 12 and 14 Committees for the rights of the child and practice ECTHR
• The right to respect for private and family life and practice ECTHR
The lecturers at this training were Jelena Stevanović and Ivana Markovic Radojevic.