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Testing of candidates for election as a member of the Council of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption is underway

Belgrade, Terazije 41
Judicial Academy

The testing of candidates for the election of a member of the Council of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption began at 10:00 a.m. on August 22, 2023 in the premises of the Judicial Academy.PUBLIC COMPETITION FOR THE CHOICE MEMBER GREATER AGENCIES FOR PREVENTION CORRUPTION announced by the Ministry of Justice on June 16, 2023. The competition was published in Sl. Gazette no. 49/2023 of June 16, 2023.

Candidate testing is conducted by the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia.

The role of the Judicial Academy is to test the knowledge of the applied candidates in order to verify the applied candidates' expertise and professional integrity to perform the function of a member of the Council of the Agency. All candidates who have graduated from the Faculty of Law should have at least nine years of work experience in the profession and have not been convicted of a criminal offense with a prison sentence of at least six months or of a criminal offense that makes them unworthy of public office.

Test procedure:

The test is done in two parts, the first part of 50 questions, which is done by circling one of the answers, and the second part, which is entrusted to an expert, a psychiatrist, in order to check the professional integrity of the candidate.

Estimated running time is 150 minutes.

A total of 6 candidates applied for the Public Competition:

1. Zorica Milorad Simeunović

2. Nikola Milorad Savić

3. Jovana Zdravko Homen

4. Ivana Ivan Portić

5. Vesna Dragoljub Lazarević

6. Vladan Živojin Joksimović


The Board of Directors of the Judicial Academy at the session held on August 11, 2023. made THE DECISION to appoint the following as members of the Commission for the Selection of Council Members of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption:

1. prof. Dr. Aleksandar Gajić, associate professor at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade;

2. Tomislav Kilibarda, chief public prosecutor of the Appellate Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade;

3. Dragan Milošević, ex-officio. President of the High Court in Belgrade.

And that the following are appointed as members of the Appeals Commission for the selection of a member of the Council of the Agency:

1. Dr. Miroslav "ćorđević, Vice President of the High Council of the Prosecution;

2. Dr. Ranka Vujović, Assistant Director of the Republic Secretariat for Legislation;

3. Marko Jocić, judge of the Court of Appeal in Belgrade.


You can view the decision on scheduling the exam HERE.


You can watch the live broadcast of the test here:

22.08.2023. year, live broadcast of the test for the selection of a member of the Council of the Prevention Agency - Source: YouTube channel of the Judicial Academy



· Rulebook on the Test Program for the selection of a member of the Council of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption

· Rulebook on conducting a public competition for the election of a member of the Council of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption

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