Judicial Academy at the Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Judicial Academy
The goal of the side event was the presentation of results of the work on the building of competencies of prosecutors for the conducting of efficient and effective investigations in the detection and prosecution of hate crimes.
The Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting is one of the largest events of this kind in Europe, which provides the possibility to the OSCE participating states, the civil sector, international organizations, and all the interested parties to exchange opinions, examples of good practices and to provide advice for improvement of the work.
The team of the Judicial Academy at the Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting in Warszawa, organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights – Source: Judicial Academy
The panelists were: Jelena Jokanović, Advisor at the OSCE Mission, Tamara Mirović, Deputy Republic Public Prosecutor, Milan Antonijević, the Executive Director of the Open Society Foundation of Serbia, Ljuba Slijepčević, the Head of the Office of the Judicial Academy in Novi Sad, and Andrea Delibašić, Associate in the Department for Research and Improvement of Education of the Judicial Academy.
In the course of 2018 and 2019, the Judicial Academy, in cooperation with the OSCE Mission, organized eight seminars on the topic of the Guidelines for criminal prosecution of hate crimes in the territories of all the four appellate jurisdictions. The introductory and closing activity was the assessment of the previous knowledge of the trainees and the impact of educational interventions on the development of their competencies.
The Judicial Academy at the Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights - Source: Judicial Academy
Tamara Mirović, Deputy Republic Public Prosecutor, spoke about the role of the prosecutor’s offices in criminal prosecution of such criminal offences, the importance of building competencies of prosecutors in this area, and the impact on their more efficient work by giving examples of good practices.
Milan Antonijević, the Executive Director of the Open Society Foundation of Serbia, spoke about the work of the civil sector in this area.
Ljuba Slijepčević and Andrea Delibašić from the Judicial Academy presented the up to now implemented educational activities in this field. The organizational and methodological aspects were explained and the evaluation of seminars was presented in detail.
The publication „Guidelines for criminal prosecution of hate crimes in the Republic of Serbia“ was written for the purpose of raising awareness of the need to conduct efficient and effective investigations in the detection and prosecution of perpetrators of criminal offences of hate crimes according to the national and international standards.
Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.
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