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The list with the codes of the candidates who took the test for the selection of a member of the Council of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has been published

Belgrade, Terazije 41
Judicial Academy

Of the day 22. August In 2023, it was published List of ciphers THE CANDIDATE who passed literate test for the selection of a member of the Council of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, held on 22. August in 2023.

List of ciphers THE CANDIDATE was published on August 22, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.


The list is also displayed on the notice board of the Judicial Academy, at the address Terazije no. 41. and on the website of the official presentation of the Judicial Academy, on the news page.

Candidates can inspect the test in the premises of the Judicial Academy, Terazije no. 41, Belgrade, in the period from 07:30 to 15:30.


In order to review the test, candidates are required to bring with them the section with the code that they received when submitting the test.

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