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Money laundering risk assessment – Methodology of work and the findings

Judicial Academy

Money laundering risk assessment – Methodology of work and the findings - Source: Judicial Academy

The training was held in Niš on 24 May 2019, at Tami Residence Hotel and it was dedicated to judges, prosecutors and the law enforcement.

Those present were able to get acquainted with the findings of money laundering risk assessment. Namely, the MONEYVAL Committee Report quoted this segment as of one of the main deficiencies. The discussion on this training covered the improvements in this area, as well as the fact that the Republic of Serbia as a state has taken the necessary steps to inform all relevant stakeholders of the risk assessment findings. Thus, the objective would be, if not to eliminate the risks, then at least to mitigate them, and the presentation of these Government findings was the first step in this direction.

The topics discussed during this training included:

  • Presentation of the money laundering risk assessment – FAFT recommendations – the system for the prevention of money laundering and financing terrorism – the methodology, time schedule and organization of work.
  • Presentation of the Project on Enhancing the quality and efficiency of suspicious transactions reporting (STR) and core functions of the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering (APML);
  • Money laundering threat assessment – working group for money laundering threat assessment;
  • Vulnerability assessment of the national system to money laundering;
  • Vulnerability assessment of the financial sector to money laundering – working group for vulnerability assessment of the financial sector to money laundering;
  • Vulnerability assessment of non-financial sector to money laundering – working group for vulnerability assessment of non-financial sector to money laundering;
  • Presentation of the Action Plan for the implementation of money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment.

The lecturers on this training were: Jelena Pantelić, National Risk Coordinator of the Administration for the prevention of Money Laundering; Hickey Wendorf, Project Team Leader; Miljko Radisavljević, Deputy Republic Public Prosecutor; Jasmina Ganić-Milanović, Deputy Prosecutor for Organized Crime; Milica Todorović, the Ministry of Justice; Milunka Cvetković, a judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation; Aleksandra Medan, the National Bank of Serbia; Vladislav Stanković, Securities Commission; Danijela Tanić-Zafirović, Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering, and Mirko Šuković, Secretary of the Coordination body.

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