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Project for the improvement of public procurement - June 16, 2023. Kragujevac

Judicial Academy

In cooperation with the Judicial Academy and the USA Agency for International Development (USAID) on June 16, 2023, the implementation of the Project for the Improvement of Public Procurement continued.

The third group of judges and assistant judges from Kragujevac and Niš of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Serbia, in the courtroom of the Department of the Administrative Court in Kragujevac, attended the first topic of this project entitled "Principles of public procurement".

Dragana Lukić on behalf of USAID expressed her satisfaction with the realization of this cooperation, and pointed out that they are open to some future ones, considering that, among other things, they have cooperation with the Office for Public Procurement, state administration and local self-government bodies, the state auditor.

Maja Josifov, head of the administrative law group of the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia, welcomed the esteemed gathering, pointing out that the cooperation between the aforementioned legal entities, of which the two are representatives, is the result of an initiative of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Serbia, with the aim of more efficient resolution of cases in this area. Therefore, she expressed the hope that judges and judge assistants will find the introductory and other lectures from this project useful.

The lecturers within the first topic of the Project for the Improvement of Public Procurement were once again prof. Dobrosav Milovanović, Ph.D., Professor of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, and Blaženka Stojanović, a consultant in the field of public administration reform, and as the authors of the Practicum for the Implementation of the Law on Public Procurement (PPL).


Project for the improvement of public procurement - June 16, 2023. Kragujevac - Source: Judicial Academy

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