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The written part of the entrance exam for the XII generation of students is in progress

Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac
Judicial Academy

With the written exam, the testing of candidates for admission, the XII generation of initial training participants at the Judicial Academy, began today.

Before the beginning of the written part of the entrance exam, the director of the Judicial Academy, Nenad Vujić, addressed the candidates in Belgrade, as well as in Novi Sad, Niš and Kragujevac, via a video link.

The exam started at 10:00 am

On that occasion, director Vujić greeted all candidates via video link, briefly introduced them to the procedure for taking and drawing the number of the test that will be taken. He also pointed out that he is in favor XII A total of 158 students applied for the autumn generation.

Out of a total of 158 registered candidates, all of them took the exam  77 candidates.

  • To be taken in Belgrade 70 candidates applied, and 33 candidates took the exam. The exam is taken in a small hall House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Trg Nikola Pašića no. 13 
  • For placement in Kragujevac 26 candidates applied, and 11 candidates took the exam. The exam is taken at Hotel Kragujevac, room number 3, Kralja Petra I street, number 18.
  • For placement in Niš 43 candidates applied, and 24 candidates took the exam. The exam is taken on Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Trg Kralja Aleksandra no. 11, in the amphitheater..
  • To be taken in Novi Sad 19 candidates applied, and 9 candidates took the exam. The exam is taken in the building Court of Appeal in Novi Sad, Sutjeska street no. 3, hall on the 3rd floor

The number of candidates who took the exam is immediate after the start of the exam verified, through application lists and video link.

Nenad Vujić, director of the Academy, briefly informed the candidates about the procedure and structure of taking the entire entrance exam, the method of evaluation and final ranking of candidates, reminding that, after submitting the documents, but also during the entire cycle from applying to taking the exam, the candidates were sent several electronic message, with information and details related to deposits, including attachments like Rulebook on the content and passing of the entrance exam, but also Info for taking the entrance exam, which, among other things, contains some provisions on the expected behavior of the candidate in the exam.

Taking the exam

Test number 3 was drawn

Also, Vujić reminded the candidates that the Personality Test is scheduled for May 12 at 10:00 a.m., and that details about this part of the entrance exam can be found on the website of the Judicial Academy, on the page dedicated to Entrance exam - Personality test, that is, that all candidates will be informed in detail about taking the personality test by e-mail, no later than 24 hours before taking the test.

A few minutes before the start of the exam, the balls containing the test numbers were checked in front of the cameras, to make sure that the randomness of the test number selection was guaranteed.

And this year, candidates take the written part of the entrance exam in front of cameras and with live video transmission via the official YouTube channel of the Judicial Academy.

You can see what the exam itself looked like in Belgrade, but also in Niš, Kragujevac and Novi Sad:

YouTube channel Belgrade - video of taking the written part of the entrance exam on May 9, 2022

YouTube channel Nis - recording of taking the written part of the entrance exam on May 9, 2022

YouTube channel Novi Sad - recording of taking the written part of the entrance exam on May 9, 2022

YouTube channel Kragujevac - recording of taking the written part of the entrance exam on May 9, 2022

Candidates will also take the oral part of the entrance exam in front of the cameras, in the period from May 17 to 20, 2022, but the recording of the exam will be streamed only via YouTube channel Belgrade.

IMPORTANT - All lists with candidates' codes, after passing the written part of the entrance exam, will be displayed EXCLUSIVELY on the website of the Judicial Academy

INSIGHT U TEST candidates can only perform with prior notice by phone or e-mail, namely:

  • For Belgrade - announcement for inspection of the test on phone number 011 2184 030 or by e-mail to the address - Inspection of the test at the address of the Judicial Academy, Terazije no. 41.
  • For Novi Sad - announcement for inspection of the test on the phone number 021 4876 532 or by e-mail to the address - Inspection of the test at the address of the office of the Judicial Academy, Sutjeska no. 3, 21101 Novi Sad - building of the Court of Appeal in Novi Sad, V floor - office 519
  • For Niš - announcement for inspection of the test on the phone number 018 504 040 or by e-mail to the address - Inspection of the test at the address of the office of the Judicial Academy, Vožda Karađorđa no. 23, 18105 Nis - High Court Building in Nis
  • For Kragujevac - announcement for inspection of the test on phone number 034 6196 181 or by e-mail to the address - Inspection of the test at the office of the Judicial Academy, Trg Slobode no. 4, 34000 Kragujevac, New building of the Palace of Justice, office of the media center on the first floor. 

You can follow information about the course of the exam on the official accounts of the Judicial Academy on social networks YouTube  Twitter  Instagram LinkedIn

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