Entrance exam - enrollment of the XII generation of users of initial training
IMPORTANT - The final ranking list of candidates for admission to the XII generation of students of the Judicial Academy has been published
The list was published on July 6, 2022 at 3:10 p.m
Important Notice:
Candidates will begin training on October 1, 2022
Overall results from the entrance exam
The results were announced on May 19, 2022 at 4:20 p.m
Ranking list of candidates based on the final grade
The results were announced on May 19, 2022 at 3:50 p.m
We inform you that the "Competition for the admission of the XII generation beneficiaries of the initial training of the Judicial Academy, published in the Official Gazette No. 095/2021 of October 1, 2021.
Decision of the High Council of the Judiciary - the decision was published ..., in 2021
Decision of the State Council of Prosecutors - the decision was published ..., in 2021
Framework program of the entrance exam of the Judicial Academy
Rulebook on the content and method of taking the entrance examMEMBERS OF EXAMS COMMISSIONS
1. Jasminka Stanojević, judge Supreme Court of Cassation
2. Duško Milenkovic, president Court of Appeal in Belgrade
3. Branka Dražić, judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation
4. Leposava Vujanović Porubović, Deputy High Public Prosecutor in Belgrade
5. Mladen Nenadić, prosecutor for organized crimeFEE FOR PASSING
The fee for taking the entrance exam is 12,000 dinars and is paid to the account of the Judicial Academy no. 840-31109845-16
Due to the epidemiological situation - PLEASE candidates NOT PAY the predetermined amount of 12,000 dinars as a fee for taking the entrance exam, until the date of taking the WRITTEN part of the entrance exam is precisely CONFIRMED.
Candidates will bring the payment slip as proof and make it available for inspection of the ON THE DAY PASSING WRITTEN part of the entrance exam.
We remind you to take your identity card or passport with you to the exam and the receipt of payment of the entrance exam fee, as well as to come to the exam half an hour before the scheduled time.
Candidates submit applications for taking the entrance exam to the Judicial Academy within 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in Sl. to the RS Herald. Applications are submitted every working day from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., namely:
By email, with attached scanned documents in PDF format to the address prijemni@pars.rs (Candidates who decide to send the application and documents by e-mail will receive an electronic confirmation of receipt. In the event that the candidate has not received confirmation of admission, he is obliged to contact the number +381 64 869 02 99). You can see detailed instructions on applying by e-mail at instructions.Personally, at the address of the Judicial Academy, Terazije 41, BelgradeBy registered mail, at the address "Judicial Academy, Terazije no. 41, 11103 Belgrade, PAK 107003* If the candidate changed his personal name after obtaining a diploma or a certificate of passing the bar exam, he is obliged to attach a marriage certificate or a decision on changing his personal name to the application.
check-in Instructions for applying by e-mail Link to page with tender documents Filled application, printed and scanned in PDF format Certified photocopy of the Law Faculty diploma, i.e. scanned in PDF format Certified photocopy of the bar exam certificate, i.e. scanned in PDF format Certificate of citizenship, i.e. scanned in PDF format Read and printed ID card, i.e. read and scanned LK in PDF formatThe candidate submits:
Filled application, printed and scanned in PDF format Certified photocopy of the Law Faculty diploma, i.e. scanned in PDF format
- Certified photocopy of the bar exam certificate, i.e. scanned in PDF format
- Certificate of citizenship, i.e. scanned in PDF format
- Read and printed ID card, or read and scanned LK in PDF format
* If the candidate changed his personal name after obtaining a diploma or a certificate of passing the bar exam, he is obliged to attach a marriage certificate or a decision on changing his personal name to the application.
check-in Instructions for applying by e-mail Link to page with tender documents- WRITTEN A PART OF RECEIVING EXAM
According to the announced "Competition for the selection of candidates for admission to initial training, XIIth generation, in the Judicial Academy" published in the Official Gazette 095/2021. from October 1, 2021, based on Article 27 of the Law on the Judicial Academy ("Official Gazette of the RS" no. 104/2009, 32/2014 - Decision of the RS RS and 106/2015)
WE NOTIFY CANDIDATES that the written part of the entrance exam scheduled for May 9, 2022 at 10:00 a.m
The written part of the entrance exam will be organized in the following cities:
- In Belgrade - for candidates who applied to take the exam in the territory of the Belgrade appeal - in the small hall of the House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 13 Nikola Pašić Square
- In Kragujevac - for candidates who applied to take the exam in the territory of the Kragujevac appeal - Hotel Kragujevac, Kralja Petra I street number 18 hall number 3
- At Nis - Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Trg Kralja Aleksandra no. 11, in the amphitheater
- In Novi Sad - for candidates who applied to take the exam in the territory of the Novi Sad appeal - Court of Appeal in Novi Sad, Street Sutjeska no. 3, hall on the 3rd floor
We remind candidates that it is necessary to come to the written part of the exam no later than 30 minutes before the start of the exam itself, and to bring a valid identity card/passport with them to prove their identity.
ALL OF candidates are required to bring proof of payment, and CANDIDATES WHICH ONE ARE SE REPORTED ELECTRONIC THROUGH, to bring certified photocopies of documents.
The fee for taking the entrance exam is 12,000 dinars and is paid to the account of the Judicial Academy no. 840-31109845-16
Important - RULES BEHAVIORS for candidates taking the exam in Belgrade, in the building of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia:
- All candidates should come to the main entrance, from the direction of Trg Nikole Pašića Street
- The Security Service of the National Assembly will control the entry of candidates according to the attached list, submitted by the Judicial Academy
- When entering the building of the National Assembly, the representatives of the Ministry of Interior will perform the KD control of all candidates entering the building,
- Candidates are required to strictly adhere to the Decision of the Administrative Board, among other things, which mandates that persons coming to the National Assembly building must be dressed in a manner that preserves the reputation and dignity of the National Assembly (FORBIDDEN is sports clothing and footwear - white sneakers, etc. . then jeans, bermuda shorts and shorts, i.e. t-shirts and clothes with bare shoulders, as well as shoes with open toes, etc.)
- Candidates are in OBLIGATIONS to keep the inventory and NOT THEY TOUCH parliamentary units that are distributed on the benches
- FORBIDDEN is a walk through the corridors of the National Assembly
- Candidates can only go to the toilet accompanied by employees of the National Assembly
- Smoking in the building is THE STRICTEST FORBIDDEN
For Belgrade - announcement for inspection of the test on phone number 011 2184 030 or by e-mail to the address akademija@pars.rs - Insight into the test at the address Judicial Academy, Terazije no. 41. For Novi Sad - notice for inspection For in the test on the phone number 021 4876 532 or by e-mail to the address ljuba.slijepcevic@pars.rs - Inspection of the test at the address of the office of the Judicial Academy, Sutjeska no. 3, 21101 Novi Sad - building of the Court of Appeal in Novi Sad, V floor - office 519 For Nis - announcement for inspection of the test on phone number 018 504 040 or by e-mail to the address milan.mitrovic@pars.rs - Inspection of the test at the address of the office of the Judicial Academy, Vožda Karađorđa no. 23, 18105 Nis - High Court Building in Nis For Kragujevac - announcement for viewing the test on phone number 034 6196 181 or by e-mail to the address vladimir.gavrilovic@pars.rs - Inspection of the test at the office of the Judicial Academy, Trg Slobode no. 4, 34000 Kragujevac, The new building of the Palace of Justice, Office media center on the first floor.USIGHT IN THE TEST candidates can perform exclusively with prior notice by phone or e-mail, namely:
The solutions to the candidates' objections were published on May 10, 2022 at 4:10 p.m
Solutions to candidates' objections:
Objection NI7752902 - Rejected
Objection NI7760146 - Rejected
Objection NI7846711 - Rejected
Objection NI7871828 - Rejected
Objection NI7918829 - Rejected
Objection KG6064820 – RejectedIMPORTANT - All lists with candidate codes, after passing the written part of the entrance exam, will be displayed EXCLUSIVELY on the website of the Judicial Academy.
EXAM RESULTS (Rulebook on the content and method of taking the entrance exam - Article 10.)
List of names of candidates who LAY DOWN the written part of the entrance exam
List of names of candidates who have PASSED the written part of the entrance exam
The list was published on May 10, 2022 at 4:30 p.m
The Judicial Academy publishes lists with codes of candidates who took the written part of the entrance exam on 05/09/2022. years. The lists were posted on May 9, 2022 at 2:33 p.m
List with codes of candidates who took the written test - place of deposit White City
List with codes of candidates who took the written test - place of deposit Kragujevac
List with codes of candidates who took the written test - place of deposit Niš
List with codes of candidates who took the written test - place of deposit Novi Sad
OBJECTION (Rulebook on the content and method of taking the entrance exam - Article 10.)
Solutions to candidates' objections:
Objection NI7752902 - Denied Objection NI7760146 - DeniedThe solutions to the candidates' objections were published on May 10, 2022 at 4:10 p.m
- Objection NI7846711 - Rejected
- Objection NI7871828 - Rejected
- Objection NI7918829 - Rejected
- Objection KG6064820 – Rejected
"Personality test is a common name for various questionnaires, projective techniques and tests that, in a standardized, objective and anonymous way, examine one or more personality dimensions" - Ivan Vidanović "Dictionary of social work"
Excerpt from "Rulebook on the content and method of taking the entrance exam - Article 11".
Candidates who have passed the written test proceed to take the personality test.
Along with the test, candidates also attach a closed identification form on which they circle that they agree that the test and results can be viewed by members of the Commission or persons authorized by the Commission.The expert who examines the test must give an explanation if the candidate receives an "unsatisfactory" grade on the test and inform the members of the Commission that makes the final decision about it.
The Commission makes its decision by majority vote. No member of the Commission can abstain. ABOUT the process and voting of the members of the Commission, minutes are drawn up and signed by all members of the Commission.
The personality test and the record are marked confidential and are kept in the archives of the Academy for 30 days from the day of the end of the entrance exam. After that period, they are destroyed.Only the candidate can see the results of the personality test.
Short video instructions for candidates - how to fill out the rules and send the Personality Test
ALL OF candidates will take the "Personality Test" on Thursday, May 12, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Candidates are required to send the completed test to the address prijemni@pars.rs, no later than 11:30 a.m
Procedure for taking the personality test:
Candidates will be sent an email on Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 09:00 to the address through which they have communicated with the Judicial Academy until now, and from the address prijemni@pars.rs.
Check the TRASH and SPAM folders, if the candidate has not received the specified email by 09:30, he should contact the number 0648690299 or the address dejan.georgijev@pars.rs
The title of the email will read: "Personality test, for candidates who applied for admission to initial training HIAnd generations of students of the Judicial Academy"
As an e-mail attachment, it will be added PDF a file in which it is possible to enter the required data/mark the answers to the offered questions, etc. called "Test-personality-12-generation.pdf"
After completing the test, the candidate is obliged, to rename and save the completed file/test by adding their CODE at the beginning of the file name which he received when taking the written part of the entrance exam.
The final file name should be e.g. BGXXXXXXXXX-Test-licnosti-12-generation.pdf
Each candidate is obliged to keep the content of the test confidential and may not provide insight into the test to unauthorized persons.
Candidates are required to send the completed test to the address prijemni@pars.rs, no later than 11:30 a.m. with the title/subject - in which REQUIRED must enter the code from the written part of the entrance exam, for example: BGXXXXXXXXX – Pcompleted personality test.
Subsequent information, instructions, etc. look for it on the page dedicated to the entrance exam under the heading "Personality test".
We draw the attention of the candidates to read each question carefully. While completing the test, it is important that the candidate NOT It skips questions, that is, that THE QUESTION YES THE ANSWER is answered for each question.In Belgrade, May 7, 2022 at 11:15 a.m
Notice for candidates who took the personality test on May 12, 2022 - ALL OF CANDIDATES ARE PASSED TEST PERSONALITIES
Belgrade, May 13, 2022 at 10:44 a.m
All candidates who have passed the oral part of the entrance exam, according to Rulebook on the manner and content of the entrance exam (Articles 12, 13, and 14), are invited to take a look SCHEDULE PASSING ORAL WORKS RECEIVING EXAM in order to be informed in time about the day and time of the exam, given that the exam will be taken 3 days, that is May 17, 18 and 19, 2022.
Oral exam, all candidates apply to Belgrade - Building Judicial academies, Street Terasius no. 41
May 17, 18 and 19 in 2022 years starting in 09:00 hours.
The candidate is obliged to appear no later than 30 minutes before the designated time for writing the concept (especially important for candidates who are scheduled to take the test in the morning from 09:00 hours).
Candidates are divided into groups - see SCHEDULE PASSING ORAL WORKS RECEIVING EXAM
It is important that each candidate is informed in which group he is in, that is, at what time and on which day he is taking the exam. The groups are composed of three each candidate.1. Jasminka Stanojević, judge Supreme Court of Cassation
2. Duško Milenkovic, judge Supreme Court of Cassation and President Court of Appeal in Belgrade
3. Branka Dražić, judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation
4. Leposava Vujanović Porubović, Deputy High Public Prosecutor in Belgrade
5. Mladen Nenadić, prosecutor for organized crimeCandidates will apply in the library of the Judicial Academy. Candidates who are waiting for the exam or preparation can watch the oral part of the exam, through direct transmission which is provided, in the entrance hall of the Academy, on the first floor.
In order to increase transparency, the Judicial Academy will broadcast the oral part of the entrance exam live. The broadcast will be streamed via the official YouTube channel Judicial Academies - channel Belgrade.
A commission with the following composition was appointed for the oral part of the entrance exam:
In accordance with Article 26. of the Law on the Judicial Academy, Article 41. Statute of the Judicial Academy and Article 17. Rulebook on the content and method of taking the entrance exam, enrolls ... participants in the initial training of the twelfth generation.
The results were announced on May 19, 2022 at 4:20 p.m
The results were announced on May 19, 2022 at 3:50 p.m
OBJECTION (Rulebook on the content and method of taking the entrance exam - Article 17.)
Objection to the established ranking list of candidates, based on the final grade
The list was published on July 6, 2022 at 3:10 p.m
Decision of the High Council of the Judiciary increasing the number of admitted candidates to a total of 27. Statute of the Judicial Academy
In this way, we would like to answer several of the most frequently asked questions, in order to give the answers as precisely as possible and reduce the confusion of interested candidates.

Test number 3 was drawn
The third and last day of the live broadcast of the oral part of the entrance exam of the XII generation of participants of the Judicial Academy - Belgrade, May 19, 2022.
The second day of the live broadcast of the oral part of the entrance exam of the XII generation of participants of the Judicial Academy - Belgrade, May 18, 2022.
Live broadcast of the oral part of the entrance exam of the XII generation of participants of the Judicial Academy - Belgrade, May 17, 2022.