Courts and public relations through the prism of the Communication Strategy and freedom of expression
Courts and public relations through the prism of the Communication Strategy and freedom of expression - Source: Judicial Academy
At the beginning, the participants were welcomed by Mrs. Branislava Goravica, Deputy President of the High Judicial Council, Mrs. Majda Kršikapa, Deputy Director of the Judicial Academy, and by Mr. Marc Lassman, the USAID Rule of Law Project Manager.
The lecturers within the workshop were: Mrs. Milena Milović Blagojević (the USAID Rule of Law Project), Mrs. Mirjana Golubović, the Head of the Department of Special Knowledge and Skills of the Judicial Academy, Mr. Branislav Čale (the USAID Rule of Law Project), Mrs. Zorana Delibašić, Judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Mrs. Gordana Komnenić, Judge of the Appellate Court in Belgrade, and Mr. Aleksandar Stojanović and Mrs. Biljana Stepanović from the Judicial Academy.