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The victory of the Judicial Academy at the international competition dedicated to human rights

Judicial Academy

The beneficiaries of the initial training of the Judicial Academy, Gala Bogosavljević, Jelena Mihajlović and Luka Anđelković, led by their mentor, Ljiljana Marjanović Andrić, judge of the High Court in Niš, won the second consecutive international competition "International Training Program on Contemporary issues in Human Right Law and Presentation Competition". held in North Macedonia in the co-organization of the Judicial Academies of the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of North Macedonia.

The goal of the competition was to get acquainted with practical applicationEuropean Convention on Human Rights and freedoms and practiceof the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg relevant to the country the contestants come from, with a special focus on the development of analytical skills and critical thinking and the exchange of knowledge, experiences and examples of good practice.

In this year's competition, in addition to representatives of Serbia, teams of Judicial Academies and centers from North Macedonia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Albania and**Kosovo.

The beneficiaries of the initial training of the Judicial Academy presented a comprehensive issue on the topic of missing babies in the Republic of Serbia and the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, Zorica Jovanović v. Serbia. The work included a comprehensive review and analysis of domestic judicial practice, the effects of the judgment of the Court in Strasbourg and the implementation of the Law on Missing Babies, as well as the current situation and statistical data on the number of cases. The added value of the work was that it showed the impact of all events and actions on the lives of mothers, their families and society as a whole.

The Judicial Academy once again thanks the winning team for the time, effort, work and preparation of the work, congratulates them on winning first place and wishes them good luck and success in their future work.

Let us remind you that this is the second great success in international competitions for Gala, Luka and Jelena, the winnersTHEMIS competition of users of initial training from European countries, organized by the European Judicial Training Network in 2021.

The Judicial Academies of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Turkey signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in October 2022. In addition to participation in seminars, this competition is one of the forms of successful cooperation.


** This inscription does not prejudice the status of Kosovo and is in accordance with Resolution 1244 and the opinion of SMEs on Kosovo's declaration of independence

Gallery of photos from the international competition dedicated to human rights - Victory of the Judicial Academy

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