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  • Novi Sad, training on "Minors as perpetrators of criminal acts and minors injured by criminal acts"

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    The Judicial Academy, in cooperation with Vojvodina Bar Association , on June 8, 2024, organized training on "Minors as perpetrators of criminal acts and minors injured by criminal acts". The training is intended for lawyers, and was held in the hall of the Vojvodina Bar Association in Novi Sad. The...
  • Novi Sad, seminar on "Controversial issues in the application of the Law on Execution and Security"

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    On May 31, 2024, in Novi Sad, the Judicial Academy organized the seminar "Controversial issues in the application of the Law on Execution and Security ", for judges and judicial assistants of commercial courts from the territory of the Novi Sad appeal. The topics covered at this seminar were...
  • On January 22, 2024, the Judicial Academy organized a training session on "Minors as perpetrators of criminal acts and minors injured by criminal acts."

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    The training was attended by public prosecutors and judges from the territory of the Novi Sad appeal, and was held in the premises of the Appellate Court in Novi Sad. The topics covered in this training were: Reasons for the adoption of the new Law on juvenile offenders and protection of juveniles...
  • Crisis PR - Novi Sad, June 1, 2023.

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    On June 1, 2023 in Novi Sad, the Judicial Academy held a training on the topic: "Crisis PR". This training was attended by the representatives of the courts from the territory of the Novi Sad appeal. The training program was as follows: Presentation of the topic and participants Introductory...
  • Specialized training of judges under the Law on Establishing Facts on the Status of Newborns Suspected to Have Disappeared in Maternity Wards in the RoS - Novi Sad, June 18

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    Specialized training of judges under the Law on Establishing Facts on the Status of Newborns Suspected to Have Disappeared in Maternity Wards in the RoS - Novi Sad, June 18 - Source: Judicial Academy The training was attended by the judges of the High and the Appellate Courts from the territory of...
  • Alternative sanctions

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    Alternative sanctions - Source: Judicial Academy The training was provided for the judges and prosecutors who are going to be the lecturers for all the four appellate jurisdictions. The seminar was opened by the President of the Appellate Court in Novi Sad, Mr. Darko Tadić and, in addition to the...
  • Disciplinary accountability of judges - Novi Sad, February 25

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    Disciplinary accountability of judges - Source: Judicial Academy The topics that were covered were: • Harmonization of the local legal framework with the international standards • The rights of the judge against whom the disciplinary proceedings are conducted • Disciplinary accountability (the goal...
  • Amendments of the Law on Enforcement and Security

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    Amendments of the Law on Enforcement and Security - Source: Judicial Academy The topics that were covered within this training course were: - Amendments in the General part of the Law on Enforcement and Security - Legal remedies and legal expedients and real estate as the subject matter of...
  • Free legal aid

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    Free legal aid - Source: Judicial Academy
  • Investigation at the scene of crime in ecological matters – hazardous waste

    Novi Sad
    Judicial Academy
    Investigation at the scene of crime in ecological matters – hazardous waste - Source: Judicial Academy The topics that were covered included: • Presentation of the legislative regulations related to waste management, presentation of all the actions that are required for this kind of investigation at...
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Independent, impartial, professional, efficient and accountable judiciary.


Create the prerequisites for the development of professionalism in holders of judiciary office by establishing clear, measurable and objective criteria for the election and career advancement and their training and professional development, in line with core values and principles the judiciary system is founded on.


Develop and conduct training programmes for holders of judiciary offices and other staff in the judiciary system, aimed at acquiring new knowledge and its promotion, development of special abilities and skills, to contribute to strengthening of professional and accountable judiciary system.


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